We offer a range of different ways to learn and experience shibari including weekly classes, workshops, performance nights, casual tying and private tuition
We also have Rope and equipment for sale in house if your looking to acquire new gear or upgrade your existing kit |
Weekly classesWeekly classes are Tuesday nights with beginners 6:30 - 7:30 @ $15pp
and intermediates 7:45 - 8:45 @ $15pp If you are unable to make either of these times on a weekly basis, please send us a message or email to discuss alternative options or the possibility of extra classes. Please contact us for bookings prior to attendance. Performance nightsPerformance nights are a great way to come and watch shibari and enjoy the atmosphere. A great way to see a number of different performers, energies, dynamics and get a taste of what shibari can be. Also a great chance for inspiration and ideas.
Private tuitionPrivate tuition is an excellent way to get detailed and tailored 1 on 1 attention and improve at your pace. They also provide the opportunity to work on the things you want.
To inquire about private tuition please contact us through any of our channels. Rope & Equipment salesWe order our rope directly from Japan from the highest recommended suppliers available. Our rigging equipment is chosen specifically by our team with years of experience in what works best so you can be assured it is suited perfectly to your shibari needs. Either get in contact or have a chat to us in house and we can assist you with what you're looking for.
WorkshopsWe run workshops occasionally on a variety of topics related to rope, not only on tying itself. For notice on upcoming workshops please keep an eye on our social media platforms or in house.
Please be mindful that some workshops will require prerequisites and also booking in prior to the event Social tie nightsSocial tie nights are held throughout the year. This is a chance for you to use what you learn in a more non structured environment and enjoy time around others 'doing their thing'. These times will be announced in class and on our social media platforms.